Ultrafeed® Parts Schematics (PDF)

The PDF downloads below are from pages from your Ultrafeed Sewing Machine guidebook. You can either refer to these pages in your guidebook or use the download button below to view the PDF pages online. Scroll through the pages to locate the part you need to replace. Then you can use the part number, shown on the pages, to look up the part on our website and purchase one. If you don't want to order a new part online, you can always call in and place an order over the phone.
Please Note: In January 2023, we launched new versions of our Ultrafeed Sewing Machines. These new machines came with updated guidebooks. If you own a pre-January 2023 Ultrafeed, make sure you download schematic pages from the older version of the guidebook.
Download the parts schematics document for your Ultrafeed machine version below:
Ultrafeed LS/LSZ Machines Purchased Before Jan. 27, 2023
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Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about ordering replacement parts or if you're not sure which part you need to replace. You can contact us via email, phone or using the chat function on our website.