How to Stop 'Sailing at Anchor'

SKU: X-HT-300091



Have you been sailing at anchor? This oxymoronic phrase refers to the swinging back and forth that can happen if the wind picks up at an anchorage. Not only does this phenomenon lead to an uncomfortable nights sleep, it puts you at risk of swinging into a nearby boat and weakens your anchor’s grip. An effective and easy fix for this problem is to use an anchor riding sail.

Why do you swing at all? Well, for most boats, the center of windage on the topsides and rigging is forward from the underwater center of gravity. This means you can easily drift backwards in a gust and have your aft end carried 30 or 40 degrees to one side. The anchor riding sail is a small mizzen that is rigged on the backstay. With this sail rigged, when the wind blows the sail catches the air and acts as resistance to keep the boat head to wind.

The key to an anchor riding sail solving your swinging problem is proper rigging. First, the sail should be hoisted on the backstay. If your backstay is split, hoist the sail on either side. The sail will work even if your backstay is at an angle. A common mistake is to sheet the sail too straight. You actually want to go forward to one side of the boat. This will sail the boat to one side of the anchor rode, but once to the side it will hold its position steady.

If you’re more visual, here’s a video demonstration of how to rig an anchor riding sail.

An anchor riding sail just might do the trick to stop your boat from sailing at anchor. Make your own anchor riding sail with Sailrite's complete kits. We also have video instructions to walk you step-by-step through the assembly process (#200115XHT).

If you'd like to learn even more about how anchor riding sails help stop your boat from sailing at anchor, be sure to read our blog on the topic: "Using an Anchor Riding Sail" (#200287XHT).

Do you use an anchor riding sail to prevent swinging? Do you have another method? Share your thoughts in the comments!